Frances Rhodes

5th April, 1937 - 19th November, 2017

A memorial for Frances Rhodes.

Coming Home to the Isle of Wight

[{"id":1,"type":"text","position":0,"block_data":{"block_content":"After a week of the worst snow for 5 years, family members met in Carisbrooke on the weekend of 3rd and 4th March to scatter Mum's ashes around the village.\n\nIn attendance were Mum's children Susan, David and Carol, Richard (Carols husband) and Paul (Sue's husband). Grandchildren, Sam, Felicity, Bryony and Ben, and Ben's wife Gabrielle.\n\nThe night before, we all had a meal at Valentino's Restaurant in Carisbrooke village, a restaurant which had been part of the village since about 1980. One that Mum visited on many occasions especially loving the dessert trolley.\n\nOn the Saturday night there was heavy rain, however the morning of 4th March 2018 was a relatively warm and sunny day, the first real day when Spring could be felt in the air.\n\nAfter a walk around Carisbrooke Castle, just before 10:30 am a poem chosen by Susan called \"She is Gone\" by David Harkins was read by Felicity.\n\n\n\"You can shed tears that she is gone\nor you can smile because she has lived.\nYou can close your eyes and pray that she’ll come back\nor you can open your eyes and see all she’s left.\nYour heart can be empty because you can’t see her\nor you can be full of the love you shared.\nYou can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday\nor you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.\nYou can remember her and only that she’s gone\nor you can cherish her memory and let it live on.\nYou can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back\nor you can do what she’d want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.\"\n\nDavid then scattered some of the ashes, with the brisk wind taking the ashes over the castle grounds.\n\nWe then went to the village, and David scattered more ashes in the village churchyard, a place Mum had walked though hundreds of times.\n\nWe then walked to a brook in the village in Castle Street the remaining ashes were scattered into the brook to be taken on a journey.\n\n\"The Way We Were\" by Barbra Steisand one of Mum's favourite singers was then played at around 11:30 am.\n\nAfter a meal at one of the local pubs, the Eight Bells, we hugged and went our separate ways to our respective homes.\n "}},{"id":2,"type":"video","position":1,"block_data":{"video_id":"J9xtQiXVpMw","video_source":"youtube"}}]


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